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Need to Safely Disinfect Your Refrigerator?

by CENTURY 21 Diamond Realty Bluffton/Sun City Branch 08/03/2019

Apart from the door to your home, one door that continually opens and closes is the access to your refrigerator. The kids open it, your friends open it, everyone always wants something from the fridge. The refrigerator is one of the most useful appliances in the kitchen. It helps in preserving both raw and cooked food, storing drinks and condiments. Its functions make it essential for it to be clean to reduce the risk of food poisoning. Apart from health reasons, dirt most times makes household appliances get old and faulty.

Disinfecting Your Refrigerator Safely

Take out Everything

  1. Unplug the refrigerator
  2. Take out Everything
  3. Take out any removable parts of the fridge such as shelves, drawers, and bins.
  4. Dispose of fruits, vegetable, food or drink that are moldy or expired.
  5. Dispose of meats that have unpleasant smell or freezer burn

Wash the freezer thoroughly

  1. Soak parts in a basin of warm water with your regularly dish-washing soap for some minutes.
  2. Scrub the parts clean with a sponge.
  3. Dry up parts properly with a clean cloth before putting them back into the refrigerator in case of excess water.
  4. Scrub off the stains from the walls of refrigerator and freezer.
  5. For tough stains, apply a bit of baking soda with some water to produce a mixture of a thick paste. Then use it on the stain and allow to sit in for an hour before wiping it out with damp cloth or sponge.

Don't Forget the Outside

Use a multipurpose spray and microfiber cloth to wipe the handles and the outer surface of the refrigerator. If the outer surface of your fridge is stainless, it's best you use a stainless-steel polish rather than a multipurpose spray to prevent smudges.

Put your food items back in

Put back food into the refrigerator and clean jars or bottles before putting them in. Double-check the expiration date on any item before keeping them back.

Disinfecting your refrigerator doesn't look hard, after all, you can do this in less than 20 minutes. It is crucial and hygienic to do a complete clean-up at least once a month to prevent stale and unpleasant odor. Out of your busy day to day schedule, it's necessary you create a monthly time table for disinfecting your refrigerator and make sure you stick to it. Stay clean, stay healthy and always remember health is wealth.